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Julie Meyers

Julie Meyers

Member since 5 years ago

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Serenity Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching

Hi, I’m Julie Meyers, owner of Serenity Horse Coaching, located in Platteville, Colorado. I am doubly certified; as an Equine Gestalt Coach as well as a purely Gestalt Coach. I partner with horses on various ranches around Colorado. I desire to support children to be healthy socially and emotionally. I was an elementary school teacher for 17 years, and know that much of a child’s academic struggles can be due to trauma, which blocks them from the ability to learn. I am also the single mom of a son and daughter, both in their early twenties, who have taught me about true acceptance.
I am an animal-lover, friend, writer, spiritual-connection-seeker, bilingual educator, and nature enthusiast...I am connected to many things! Helping people to find themselves and to stand in their truth and love what is, with the support of animals, allows me to further human understanding that animals matter.
I enjoy quality time with a few good friends, and solo hikes in the woods or on the beach with my dogs, cats, goats or horses.

Gestalt in and of itself is a powerful therapeutic modality. In a Gestalt session, we work with whatever comes up in the present moment, and find it is always tied to something from our past. Gestalt allows us to look at what is wreaking havoc in our lives today, go to it’s source, and heal it. Gestalt also shows me where certain traumas are lodged in the body for specific healing. No longer do unhealthy patterns from the past have the power to run our lives. Often this can be done in just a handful of sessions.
Horses on their own have the power to heal. First, just being around a horse brings down a person’s defenses, so that emotions which are normally locked tightly down within the body can be more easily accessed. Second, horses have the ability to raise our happiness levels by just being in their presence. Third, horses engage in the coaching process.
The true gift of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method is the combination of the profound healing of Gestalt + the power of horses to heal + positive coaching + somatic awareness. When a human is in their true, authentic self, feeling raw emotions, it is like candy for a horse, attracting them to heal us in a variety of ways. Horses read us in ways we often can’t read ourselves and show me when you are in your truth about an issue, even if you don’t know yourself. Together, the horses and I can help you take the fractured pieces of your life experience and integrate them to become whole. The horses help me do this through their responses and their interactions with you. I can do Gestalt sessions in your home or barn with your horses, or in my round with my equine partners. It is something that must be experienced in order to be truly understood.

I specialize in deep process work with women who had their sexual boundaries crossed in childhood to move from trauma to freedom; to wake up confident and stand in their truth. I support my clients to uncover their negative patterns, discover who they truly are, and discard limiting beliefs they hold about themselves so they can move through life in joy. I also work with with women who have exited toxic relationships, and with couples who desire a truly unique way of understanding themselves and each other.
I especially love working with those who have children, so they can show up as healthy parents and their children can be raised in happy, emotionally healthy homes.
When parents parent from a place of love and wholeness, children grow up in serenity, and joy in the family becomes the norm.
Before coaching, I spent 17 years as a 4th grade teacher. I have seen the results of childhood trauma and its repercussions as they ripple through the generations. My goal is to help generations of families. Not just you, but your children and your children’s children. Many of the negative patterns that we acquire as children did not come solely from our parents but from our grandparents and their grandparents. Some patterns we can see clearly, while others are hidden under deep layers that the horses and I will help you to uncover, discover and transform.

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