Books by Melisa Pearce

Melisa offers a current perspective on the practice of Gestalt and its relevance for today’s clients. This book gives readers the tools they need to discover this power modality. — Emma Cruse Rogers, EGC, LCSW-C, Argo Counseling and Wellness
“What The Heck Is Gestalt?”
By Melisa Pearce
Paperback * $29.95 * 978-0-9905761-9-8
Gestalt Theory is about wholeness, but its complexity has perplexed many trying to understand and apply the concepts—until now. What the Heck Is Gestalt? is an accessible, practical look at Gestalt and its applications to everyday life from a longtime practitioner and the seminal leader in applying it to not only coaching, but equine- partnered therapy and coaching. Melisa Pearce’s experiences, stories, and examples help make this a useable, friendly, and constructive guide to Gestalt that stands to improve your relationships . . . especially with yourself!
Self-Awareness and Peace Are Possible with the Wholeness that Is Gestalt!
Pearce’s work is reminiscent of Fritz Perls and his book Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. This candid examination of Gestalt seems to fulfill the author’s wish to take the “now” into the “next.” — Jaclyn S. Manzione, MS, EGCM CP and G. Thomas Manzione, Ph.D., PPC
Written with a deep sense of compassion and wisdom, Melisa Pearce has captured the essence of the dynamic and effective world of Gestalt. This is an essential text for every practitioner, from the novice to the expert, who is ready to open the treasure within Gestalt. — Dr. Myra Heckenlaible-Gotto, EdD, Gestalt Coach/Trainer/ Consultant, Founder, Crossing Life’s Bridges, LLC
“Equusology: Deciphering Human and Horse Typology”
Co-authored with Carolyn Fitzpatrick
Paperback * $24.95 * 978-0-9760415-8-0
There are many excellent books available on natural horsemanship, equine nutrition, and stable management, individual horse breeds, and the many disciplines that horses and humans partner in. But this book explains human/horse dynamics by applying the time-tested Keirsey Temperament Sorter and our newly created Equusology Temperament Sorter. With this information, you and your horse can better co-create a relationship with one another that is enjoyable, satisfying, and intimate—a true human-equine partnership.

“Eponalisa – The Fall Ride”
By Melisa Pearce
Paperback * $15.95 * 978-0-9760415-3-5
Eponalisa is the story of a young horse lover named Lisa who is searching for her life’s purpose. On one of her morning rides, she encounters Epona, the Goddess of All Horses who asks her and her horse Clarity to accept a very special calling to help others. They accept and Lisa is transformed into the fairy Eponalisa and Clarity into Wisdom. Along the way, she is encouraged to follow her inner knowledge of who she truly is, trusting herself to make the right choices and holding the faith that those choices will be accepted as the correct ones for all those who love her. Anyone who questions their own life purpose will find wisdom and inspiration in Eponalisa.
“Touched by a Horse: Equine Coaching Stories” Volumes One, Two and Three
Paperback * $15.95 each
Prepare to be touched and inspired by the stories and poems from the Touched by a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Method graduates and students about the healing and transformation this work has to offer, not only to the clients who work with the coaches, but to the coaches themselves.