Bailey in AZ
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Bethany Piziks, DDS, EGCM/GCM Dual Certified


Hello and welcome!

This journey first began after a “lightning strike” moment at age 13, when I came home from school to find my beloved horses had been sold (we couldn’t afford to keep them). It was devastating, and I decided I’d never again lose something I loved for lack of money.

Soon after that, I decided to become a dentist, thinking it would be an easy way to make lots of money. Instead, what I experienced in over 20 years of being a dentist was enormous stress and anxiety, sleepless nights, and the slow, steady breakdown of my health. As I worked through my own healing, my passion shifted from restoring teeth to restoring hearts and spirits, as others had done for me. I also wanted to work with horses.

In 2014 I left dentistry, completed the 2-year certification program Touched By A Horse and became an Equine Gestalt Coach, and BraveHeart Gestalt Coaching was born. In 2020 I completed an advanced 2-year certification program, the Gestalt Coaching Method (both taught by Melisa Pearce) and am now dually-certified with an equivalent of a Master’s degree in the very effective Gestalt Coaching Method.

I now partner with horses to guide my clients in healing from their own “lightning strike” moments (what are those moments for you?) and help them leave old habits and undesirable patterns behind so they can get un-stuck and move forward to a more desirable life and positive future.

If you feel stuck; if you are tired of having the same challenges come up over and over; if you’re struggling in relationships and would like to gain awareness of how to move forward differently; or feeling exhausted and at the end of your rope, and talk therapy is no longer helping, call to schedule a Gestalt coaching session with the horses and me. (There is no riding).

You’ll notice my website is directed mostly at dentists. You do not need to be a dentist to work with me. I will walk with you as you “unravel your nots” and leave with much more self-awareness, clarity, and a whole new perspective.

Contact me for an appointment or more information.


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