Me and Ella

Carolyne Stolzenfels Wildfire Dreams


Wildfire Dreams is the culmination of my life... It is my magnum opus as E.B. White's Charlotte would say.  My mission is to positively change lives by creating a sacred place of healing, learning and authentic connections.  This "place" could be at our small barn in Northern Michigan, on the phone with a client, in the brush strokes of a painting, or in the pages of my writing.  I believe all of them are sacred and special.

At Wildfire Dreams, every client is an individual... Finding YOUR gifts, YOUR passion for living, and YOUR growth is what it is all about.  I am merely the guide for you.

My clients are mainly women and children.  I focus on mending broken hearts and the relationship we have with ourselves in order to nourish the ones we have with others.  I enjoy working with students of all ages!  My horses are a blended herd of mares, geldings, and currently, one very special stallion.  Our farm is aptly named, Schön Frieden Farm - Beautiful Peace (in German)

Please reach out if you are traveling up North for the summer or would like to speak to me over the phone or zoom.  I am here for you as it should be.

Love & Light Carolyne




Contact Information
