Kacey Woodliff Finney
Member since 4 years ago
- 1 Listing
Contact Info
- equitruckin@hotmail.com
- http://Www.embracinglifethroughhorses.com
Hello, my name is Kacey, I was born and raised in a small town in western Wisconsin, on a dairy farm with two hard working, kind, dedicated parents. On the farm I learned to have a love for people, animals and the rural lifestyle at a very young age.
Of those animals, horses soon became my passion when I started guiding trail rides at a local riding stable. I then decided to further my education and go to college for Equine Science and Emergency Services. I attended the University of WI-River Falls, then transfered to the Iowa Equestrian Center and learned all I could about Emergency Services and Horses.
After I graduated college, I was able to work several places training horses, riding horses in cattle feedlots, teaching & mentoring riding students and also becoming a Teen Counselor at the Boys and Girls Home of NE. Also throughout I was able to work and volunteer on several ambulance services as an Emergency Medical Technician over the years.
Through out my life I have had a variety of personal struggles from depression and anxiety to health problems and several relationship “learning” experiences. Before I was married I made several bad decisions and learned many things from each of them.
From each of these experiences combined, I was both desperate and driven to find a way to better my life. I knew there was just “something” that horses did for me when I was around them that nothing else could compare to. I always felt better after sitting with them and simply just being around them. I often thought, if only I could figure out what that “insight” and “feeling” was, and be able to share it with others when they were struggling…
Through much time and research, I came across a very gifted, intuitive, horsewoman/therapist named Melisa Pearce. Melisa owned a business that did just that, called Touched By A Horse in Eastern Colorado. Melisa not only understood what “it” was, but she also had founded a whole method around “it” called the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method.
Through this method, Melisa had helped thousands of people not only with her own horses, but also through teaching others to do the same with their horses. I decided this was exactly what I had been looking for. I quickly signed up to become a student in learning the EGC Method, completed the 2 year program, and graduated in 2015, then opened Embracing Life Through Horses LLC.
Now, my vision here at Embracing Life Through Horses LLC is to become the regions #1 safe, confidental resource for people to face difficult issues and create positive growth & change in their lives. It is truly remarkable what horses can help people accomplish that otherwise might not be possible! I thank you for visiting and hope I get an opportunity to share “it” with you soon!
– Blessings from your coach, – Kacey