Author Profile

Darlene Colbourne

Darlene Colbourne

Member since 2 years ago

  • 1 Listing

Contact Info


I am Darlene Colbourne, a small-town girl living in a lonely world...

Sometimes it feels like it's a lonely world, especially when you are facing things daily that are beyond the realm of understanding for most. As First Responders, we keep giving more and more of ourselves, stuffing more on top of what we already have not dealt with... this gets held in our bodies. I want to provide you with safe place to land and release the build up of unfinished business creating wholeness. Me partnering with the horses gives them a voice to help you discover what you are holding onto.

I have an enormous passion for helping others and making a difference in peoples lives. I believe that is where my passion began for the Fire Service. I saw how by volunteering and giving to my community in a way that others weren't always comfortable, I was able to make a difference. It made me feel good to contribute to my community in this way. I now want to give back to my First Responder Community in a different way. I want to be with them in a way they need... letting that situation or event have a safe place to land... releasing the stuff we all carry. I want to share my horses with anyone who truly wants to experience the healing power of equine partners, giving into truth vulnerability, and being in the present moment.

I have expanded my passion of making a difference to all those who truly desire to be encouraged and guided by the most experienced Gestaltist... Horses... who are true believers in living in the present moment. Their gifts and knowledge are boundless. Give yourself the gift of time with a horse to begin your Journey into Wholeness.

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