The Touched by a Horse Podcast

People will fly all over the world to receive help from top doctors to heal. Yet most of us just don't know that horses can be some of the best healers in the world. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we look at how horses heal and how we can benefit from these spiritual beings.

We all have visions for our life that spark our imagination and make our heart sing. Many times, however, fear or doubt can creep in causing us to stay stuck in our old patterns. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we dive into the self-discovery journey to a passionate life.

As adults, we can get triggered by things (like kids, or our work). If we look into those triggers we'll often find our inner child hurt or frustrated by that event. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we talk about how to raise our inner child as adults so we can create healthier families and lives. 

Fear of failure is rampant and paralyzing. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we share 4 key steps to moving past your fear and into the possibilities waiting for you.


In life, we find a vision for the things we want to experience, like having a baby. But when we don't get what we want it's common to double down on effort and control to try to make things happen. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we look at how to release control in order to find peace.

Parenting can be tough. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we uncover how to create a better relationship with your child.

Who doesn’t want to be happier? But when life is hard, how do we get to happiness? In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we talk about how to harness your happiness.

Being vulnerable can be scary. But there is also a power in owning who we are as women. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we look at the power of healing your past and stepping fully into the rest of your life.

One of the biggest breakdowns in any relationship is communication. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we look at how to create better communication in relationships.

Conflict is a massive breakdown in business and affects productivity, culture and retention. In this episode of Touched by a Horse, we look at how to transform conflict into conversation in the workplace.  

Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™

Melisa developed the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™, where there are two Gestaltists present with the client—one human and one equine. Together they provide a therapeutic approach to deep-process emotional healing through the experiential nature of Gestalt work. Contrary to talk therapy, Gestalt work is experiential in nature and offers one of the most efficient means of working with past trauma and finding wholeness.

As of early 2019, there are close to two hundred certified Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ practitioners worldwide from countries as far away as South Africa and Singapore. These graduates, along with their equine partners, help their clients find positive futures and personal happiness. 

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