In September 2022 we received a most beautiful surprise. Standing on the stage of our annual Touched by a Horse SUMMIT, the entire audience of over 100 people began to form two long lines facing each other. Smiles on their faces, my husband Dane and I stood on the stage aware that something in the form of a loving gift was occurring.
Still with no concept of what was happening, we stayed in the moment and fully experienced the unfolding before us. Our Coaching Supervisor, Peggy, was on the stage next to us smiling like a Cheshire cat. She was “in” on the situation.
At the end of the long line, directly in front of us, was a woman chanting with a deep soulful voice. She was leading a troupe of a few people who were carrying a square pole with a lavender light at the top of it. I could see it had been painted in a variety of colors with different words and images.
As the singing quieted and all the people were smiling up at us, we began to take in what we were being told. Our Lil Bit North Ranch, which is the home campus of our programs for Touched by a Horse, had been honored and selected as an International Peace site through World Citizen Peace.
Deeply moved and yet not fully understanding what it meant, we shed tears and thanked everyone for all of their efforts to make this happen to honor our sacred space.
Since the inception of Lil Bit North Ranch in the 1980s, the physical location has changed three times. First in Cave Creek, Arizona; then in 1994 moving to Longmont/Niwot, Colorado. A few years later, after a divorce, I relocated my Ranch to a Boulder location. Eighteen years ago I met my true love and husband Dane. We remained there for a decade, and as the TBAH Programs grew, we knew we needed to expand to create a Campus where students from around the world could come and stay while studying with me.
In 2015, we relocated to our present location in Elizabeth, Colorado. Frequent trainings held and many, many, private client sessions later, in 2022 we received this award. Our work is Trauma-informed deep process healing through my methodology, based in Gestalt. Our horses are our partners in working with clients to achieve healing.
As a lifelong horsewoman, my unique perspective and relationship with horses has led me to a career that has profoundly changed thousands of lives through the talents of my certified practitioners. These almost 300 Certified Practitioners are located all over the U.S. and Canada, as well as the UK, Latvia and XXXX
The World Citizen Peace organization aligns five Peace Actions. We at Touched by a Horse live in commitment to these.
SEEK peace within yourself and others
REACH OUT in service
PROTECT the environment
RESPECT diversity
BE a responsible citizen of the world
We focus upon these as we work, play, and live together to contribute to a safe and respectful world. We are committed to creating justice and a more peaceful and peace-filled community and world.
The pole is planted, and we have placed three others in a large diamond shape representing the four directions. We’ve created a meditation space on our ranch for this purpose. A place to pause, ponder, experience, and find Peace.
We hope everyone who reads this blog will ponder and create any shifts needed to walk these 5 Peace Actions.