The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method

Prepare to be Touched By A Horse®
You Will Never Forget the Lessons Learned From a 1200 Pound Horse
What is the certified by Melisa Pearce Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™?
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method is a type of coaching that helps clients bring to their awareness emotional blockages and unfinished business that may be holding them back in their lives. The personal work the Equine Gestalt Coaches guide their clients through is “in the moment”, deeply tied to somatics (body responses) and experiential in nature.
EGCM is not psychotherapy and is effective whether or not a client is in therapy. Individuals from all walks of life and all ages can benefit from EGCM coaching. If you have experienced a life change, trauma or incident that you know has deeply effected you and are now ready to clear the influences of those events from your path to growth, the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® may be for you.
Leave Your Pain in the Sand
Because the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ often immediately creates a release of energy and emotional blocks, clients feel as if they are leaving their past emotional pain in the sand of the barn where their session was held. Contrary to most forms of talk therapy that can last for months or even years, the work is generally completed in a few sessions. Most clients experience permanent resolution to the issues worked on during their sessions and find that the process elicits lasting change in their lives.
No horse experience is necessary to participate and you won’t ride the horse during the session. However, if you own or ride horses, you might find a deeper connection to them after experiencing the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™.
Equine Gestalt Coaching Can Be Done in Private or Group Settings
Private sessions involve just the client, the horse and the coach. Most Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® coaches also offer group retreats and workshops. Many people find the group setting offers a sense of community and connection that facilitates the healing process. As each persona does their own personal work, it often elicits a deep and lasting response within those present. In the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™, we call this Borrowed Benefit™ and which is often quite moving and powerful.
In either setting, the EGCM coach will make sure that the environment is safe, confidential and nurturing where you are treated with love and respect.
Some Reasons People Seek the Help of an Equine Gestalt Coach Include:
• Life Transitions
• Human Empowerment
• Sexual Abuse
• Grief
• End of Life Resolution
• Family Counseling
• Childhood Trauma
• Couples & Marriage Improvement
• Body Image
• Victim Recovery
• Conflict Mediation
• Depression
• Empty Nest & Retirement Adjustment
• Reinvention of Self
• Corporate Team Building
• Leadership Discovery

Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ Coaches
Each EGCM Certified Coach brings their own past experiences, current interests and other professional skills and credentials to their practice. There are EGCM coaches that are or were psychotherapists. There are others that bring other healing modalities to their practice, such as energy work or yoga. Others create a specialized niche practice to serve a profession that they had a previous career in, such as lawyers, physicians or other health professionals.
Visit Our Certified Practitioner Page to find the best coach for your individual situation.